• 140 Government Circle, Jefferson, NC 28640
  • (336) 846-5633
  • info@asheso.com


Frequently Ask Questions

These FAQs are designed to help visitors to our website by providing quick answers to some of the  more common questions that we receive here at the Ashe County Sheriff’s Office. This page is here only as convenience to you so please do not hesitate to contact us via email or telephone should you have any questions.

Gun Permits & Conceal Carry

What are the fees for Concealed Handgun Carry Permits and Pistol Purchase Permits?

The fee for a Concealed Carry Permit is initially $90.00 and will be valid for 5 years.  Renewal occurs at the end of 5 years and that renewal fee is currently $75.00.

Pistol Purchase Permits are $5.00 each.  You are allowed to purchase up to 5 at a time within the same application period.  Each permit expires 5 years after the date of purchase and/or if your address has changed.

How do I apply for a Concealed Handgun Carry Permit and do I need an appointment?

To apply, you must have completed a certified class and received a class certificate.  Once you have this certificate in-hand, you will need to visit https://asheso.permitium.com/ccw/start.  At the end of your online application you will be able to choose an appointment to complete your application.

Do I need to live in Ashe County to apply for a Concealed Handgun Carry permit here?

Yes. To apply for a Concealed Handgun Carry permit with our agency you will need to produce a North Carolina driver’s license or identification card with a valid Ashe County address listed on it.

Where can I legally Conceal Carry if I have a permit?

Due to the fact that state statutes regarding concealed carry can change at any time, we don’t publish this information on our website. We want you to have the most up-to-date information available and for that reason we ask that you visit https://ncdoj.gov/law-enforcement-training/law-enforcement-liason/concealed-weapon-reciprocity/ to for answers to your lawful concealed carry questions.

What are NC's firearms laws?

Detention / Jail

How do I mail a letter to an inmate?

General Mail: General mail refers to any mail sent to or from an inmate’s friend, family member, business associate, or any other individual. General mail also includes letters between inmates housed within the detention center. For those purposes, please address the envelope in the following manner:

Ashe County Detention Center
Inmate Name, Inmate ID Number
Facility ID# 5007
PO Box 18247
Greensboro, NC 27419

There is no need to put an inmate’s identification number on the envelop; just their proper full name is fine. Please do not address inmates by nicknames and keep in mind that, at any time, we may have several inmates with the same last name so please use full first and last names and not, “Mr. Doe”.

Some things you should never do when sending a letter the Ashe County Detention Center, as it will result in the letter being rejected:

  • -Don’t use staples or paper clips
  • -Do not include photographs
    -Do not send any items of any kind: no magazines, books, crafts, etc. 
  • -Never use marker, crayon, glitter, glue, stickers or lipstick on the letter or envelope
  • -Don’t use perfume or any other fragrance
  • -Any drawings or markings of nudity, criminal activity or anything that can be misconstrued as secret code etc. will result in refusal
  • -Never write anything in the letters that you wouldn’t want a third party to read (all mail is inspected and all non-attorney mail may read by staff for security purposes)
  • -Greeting cards may be mailed but they will not be given to the inmate. The interior portion of the greeting cards (where the personal message is written) will be photocopied and that photocopy will be given to the inmate.
Can I visit with an inmate using video?

Inmate visitation is done via video visitation using HomeWav.com and can be done from your computer, tablet or smartphone or by using one of the video visitation monitors in the Detention Center’s lobby during visiting hours.

To learn more about HomeWav visit https://ashesheriff.com/acsostaff/detention-center/homewav/.

Can I call an inmate on the phone?

Phone services for inmates are provided by Paytel.

To learn more about Paytel visit https://ashesheriff.com/acsostaff/detention-center/paytel/.

How do I put money on an inmate's commissary account?

We currently have 3 options for your to place money onto an inmate’s account.  You can use the Kiosk in the public area of our jail, online at Jail ATM.com or your can mail it.

For instructions on each visit https://ashesheriff.com/acsostaff/detention-center/commissary/.

Can you pass along a message to an inmate?

Unfortunately, no, in the interest of the safety and security of our Detention Center, we cannot and do not pass messages to inmates. The only exception to this rule is in the case of true family emergencies.

In the event that you need to get in touch with an inmate due to a legitimate and serious family emergency you may call the Detention Center at 336-846-5611 and ask to speak with a Captain or Lieutenant and explain the nature of the emergency.

Can I bring and inmate an item or have something mailed in to an inmate?

We do not accept anything to be given to an inmate through the window in the Detention Center’s lobby unless it is medication that the Detention Center’s nurse or doctor has approved to be brought in.

Certain approved items however can me mailed to inmates. Standard letters can be mailed directly to an inmate but no photos or drawings can be included in the letter. Envelopes need to only have sender’s name and address in the left corner and inmate’s full name and address front and center. No lipstick or drawings can appear on on the outside of the envelope.

Law Enforcement Related

How do I find out if I have a warrant or civil paper?

To find out if you have a warrant or civil paper, you may call 911 Dispatch at 336-846-5600, and ask to speak to an officer in reference to warrants or civil papers. You will have to provide information providing you are the person that you are inquiring about.

You cannot get information about someone else having a warrant. You may also come to the office or ask any deputy you see.

How do I evict someone for nonpayment of rent?

Check out our Evictions page by clicking HERE!.

Is there a noise ordinance in Ashe County?

Yes. A noise ordinance is in effect from 11:00 pm to 7:00 am throughout Ashe County.  Criminal and civil fines of up to $500.00 may be imposed.


Can I hire off duty deputies for security and traffic control work?

Yes. The minimum rate is $30 per hour, with a 4 hour minimum. Some types of work may have a higher rate depending on the needs. Availability is limited and we would like to know as far ahead of time as possible.  For more information please head over to our “Request Off-Duty Deputy” page here: https://ashesheriff.com/contact-us/request-off-duty-officer/

I filed a report with the Sheriff’s Office, but have not heard anything about it. Do I need to call?

Normally, if you filed a report for a crime, a detective will contact you within 3-4 days. Sometimes it may take longer due to many factors to include weekends, holidays, and heavy caseloads for our detectives. Rest assured that we will work each case to the best of our ability.  If you feel as if you have not been contacted in a timely manner, please contact Lt. Williams at (336) 846-5608.

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