• 140 Government Circle, Jefferson, NC 28640
  • (336) 846-5633
  • info@asheso.com

About the Sheriff

About The Office About The Sheriff

Amanda, Phil, Danny & Kristy

Sheriff B. Phil Howell

Sheriff B. Phil Howell

“Our faith gives us power.  Power to believe that we are capable of doing justice in the world by being good humans to everyone that we encounter.  Together we can make the world a better place”.

A Message from Our Sheriff

I have the honor and privilege of serving as your Sheriff, in the same community where I grew up. As you well know, Ashe County is such a beautiful place in God’s corner of North Carolina. Being raised in a place such as this, we all develop a sense of responsibility in keeping it just so. This concept is not lost on me. I don’t view Ashe County as only the jurisdiction in which I serve, it is the community where my wife Amanda and I are raising our three beautiful daughters – alongside all of you. Being rooted here, where generations of my family and dearest friends live, I have a vested interest in ensuring Ashe County is a safe, vibrant and peaceful place where each of us can raise our families; today, tomorrow and into the future.
I was raised in Laurel Springs by my parents, E. Phil and Evelyn Howell, who were both active and prominent members of the Ashe County School System. I attended West Jefferson Elementary, Beaver Creek High School, then graduated from Ashe County High School. After graduating from North Carolina State University, I attended Basic Law Enforcement Training and began my law enforcement career as a NC State Ranger, with the North Carolina State Parks.
While I thoroughly enjoyed my role as a State Ranger, it was time to move back home. I sought out opportunities to come back to serve my community and found a home with the Ashe County Sheriff’s Office. I returned in 2010 as a Narcotics Detective and later promoted to the Director of 911 Dispatch before ultimately running for and being elected your Sheriff.
In this important role, I understand I am directly accountable to you; the citizens of Ashe County. In an effort to always be moving this agency and this community forward, I strive to bring my training, experience, faith and local knowledge to work with me on a daily basis. I take immense pride in serving as your Sheriff and the Good Lord willing, I will be blessed to serve you in this capacity for years to come. Thank you for electing me to serve you!
Best Regards,
Sheriff B. Phil Howell

Sheriff Howell's Mission

My Mission as Sheriff of Ashe County is to serve as a representative to the “folks” of Ashe County.  As the highest Constitutionally-elected official in Ashe, my goal is to serve and protect our citizens as well as our Constitution.  We are unlike any other county, my hope is that each day we take our citizens’ beliefs and make the best decisions for our county, ASHE COUNTY.

Chief Deputy Danny K. Houck

Chief Deputy Danny K. Houck

A Message from Our Chief

It is my honor serve my hometown as Chief Deputy of the Ashe County Sheriff’s Office. Like the Sheriff, I’m also a native of Ashe County. I was raised in Todd by my parents, Kent and Jo Ann Houck. I attended Fleetwood Elementary School, Beaver Creek High School and graduated from Appalachian State University with a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice. My wife Kristy and I live in the Nathan’s Creek area where we are blessed to raise our three children.
I am a Veteran that honorably served our country in Operation Desert Shield/Storm during the first Gulf War in 1991. I have over 22 years of Law Enforcement experience. I started my law enforcement career with the Ashe County Sheriff’s Office in 1998 and eventually went to work for the Boone Police Department where I worked almost every facet of police work, reaching the rank of Lieutenant. My most fulfilling assignment was being a Narcotics Detective. I served on the Boone Police Department SWAT team for 18 years, rising from counter-sniper, operator to team leader.
Finding myself back, full circle, at the Ashe County Sheriff’s Office where my career began has been an amazing opportunity and I never lose sight of how fortunate I am to serve the citizens of Ashe County.
Chief Deputy Danny K. Houck
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