• 140 Government Circle, Jefferson, NC 28640
  • (336) 846-5633
  • info@asheso.com

HomeWAV Video Visitation


Home Wave Video Visitation

The Ashe County Detention Center has partnered with HomeWAV video visitation to allow families of inmates to virtually visit with their loved ones inside the jail from the comfort of their own home.


This easy-to-use video visitation system allows you to visit with inmates by using any smart phone, tablet or computer. No longer are families required to physically come to the Detention Center lobby to visit with their loved ones.

There are two ways to use HomeWAV:

1) Free if Used On-Site-

This system is free to use on-site on Saturdays and Sundays between the hours of 8am and 4:30pm when accessed from the kiosks in our lobby.

Inmates are each provided with two 15-minute visits every weekend. These visits must be scheduled by the family member ahead of time via the HomeWAV.com website. https://www.homewav.com/

All on-site visitors must arrive at the Ashe County Detention Center at least 10 minutes prior to the start of their scheduled time slot.

2) Paid By-the-Minute if Used Remotely-

The remote service is $0.50 per minute and paid for by family members of the inmate. This service allows family unlimited access to virtual visits with inmates 7 days per-week during the hours of 7am to 10:30pm.

All visits are recorded and monitored live by staff to ensure that activity is safe and appropriate.

To register with HomeWAV please visit their website https://www.homewav.com/

For support with HomeWAV:
Call: 1-800-764-2872
Email: support@homeway.com

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