• 140 Government Circle, Jefferson, NC 28640
  • (336) 846-5633
  • info@asheso.com

Mrs. Steelman

Divisions Staff Laken Steelman, Records Manager

Laken Steelman, Records Manager

Contact Info:

Email: lsteelman@asheso.com
Phone: office 336-846-5609

Role and Responsibilities:

With 6 years of service in law enforcement, Records Manager, Laken Steelman is responsible for a host of duties at the Ashe County Sheriff’s Office that include:

  • Processing Criminal Papers
    Overseeing front office operation
    Preparing incident reports for officers and detectives
    Preparing case files for District and Superior court
    Processing warrants and arrest data
    Submitting Uniform Crime Reporting data to the State of North Carolina
  • Evidence Technician
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