• 140 Government Circle, Jefferson, NC 28640
  • (336) 846-5633
  • info@asheso.com

Lt. Lewis

Divisions Staff Randy Lewis, Lieutenant

Randy Lewis, Lieutenant

Contact Info:

Email: rlewis@asheso.com
Phone: office 336-846-5996

Role and Responsibilities:

Lt. Randy Lewis has been in Law Enforcement for 27 years.Lt. Randy Lewis supervises 2 Civil Sergeants and 6 Civil  Deputies. Lt. Lewis is also responsible for monitoring the daily Civil activities.

Responsibilities include:

  • Supervision of the SRO activities and scheduling
  • Supervision of the Courthouse functions
  • Supervision of Civil Executions, evictions, and writ of possession



Lt. Lewis is a Basic Law Enforcement Training graduate from Wilkes Community College.

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