A HUGE THANK YOU from Sheriff Howell to Principal Joallen Lowder and AP Mitchell Reedy for inviting us to tour Blue Ridge Elementary School.
Several leadership students as well as staff presented information about Blue Ridge Elementary and what they are learning this year. Blue Ridge has implemented leadership with 8 Habits of Effective Students based on Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Leadership students presented each habit as it pertains to their role as students.
Mrs. Lowder was thrilled with the schools most recent letter awarding the school with the Leader in Me Lighthouse achievement award. In 2021 the US Dept. Of Education awarded Blue Ridge with the Blue Ribbon award for closing the gap during COVID where they went to Washington to except the award.
We appreciate Superintendent Dr. Eisa Cox, Principal Lowder, and all the staff for their dedication to Blue Ridge Elementary!!! Remember Dream, Believe, Become and Lead.