Our important numbers page is meant to be a central online location to find Ashe County’s most notable phone numbers. If you think of a contact number that needs to be added please use our contact form and let us know.
Ashe County Sheriff's Office
Emergencies | Dial 911 |
Detention Center | (336) 846-5611 |
Main Office Directory | (336) 846-5633 |
Conceal & Gun Permits | (336) 846-5632 |
Law Enforcement Agencies
West Jefferson PD | (336) 246-3551 |
Ashe Memorial Police | (336) 846-0731 |
DMV | (336) 846-5606 |
Jefferson PD | (336) 846-5529 |
NC Highway Patrol | (336) 246-7544 |
New River State Park | (336) 982-2587 |
Court System
Clerk of Court - Pam Barlow | (336) 219-1400 |
Superior Court Judges | (336) 651-4416 |
District Court Judges | (336) 651-4412 |
Court Ordered Arbitration | (336) 651-4470 |
District Attorneys Office (Ashe) | (336) 219-1410 |
Guardian ad Litem | (336) 651-4421 |
Juvenile Court Counselor | (336) 246-6711 |
Magistrates Office | (336) 219-1419 |
Ashe County
For detailed information about Ashe County Departments, please visit their website at http://www.ashecountygov.com/.
AC Commissioners | (336) 846-5501 |
AC Emergency Management | (336) 846-5521 |
Dept. of Social Services | (336) 846-5719 |
Register of Deeds - Deaett Roten | (336) 846-5580 |
Veteran Services | (336) 846-5575 |
AC County Manager | (336) 846-5501 |
AC Animal Control | (336) 982-4060 |
Ashe Memorial Hospital | (336) 846-7101 |
Parks & Recreation | (336) 982-6185 |
Environmental Services | (336) 846-3721 |
Ashe County School System
For detailed information about Ashe County Departments, please visit their website at https://www.asheschools.org/.
AC High School | (336) 846-2400 |
AC Middle School | (336) 384-3591 |
Ashe Early College | (336) 846-1881 |
Blue Ridge Elementary | (336) 384-4500 |
Early Learning Center | (336) 846-3221 |
Mt. View Elementary | (336) 982-4200 |
Westwood Elementary | (336) 877-2921 |
Board of Education | (336) 246-7175 |
Domestic Violence / Mental Health Related
A Safe Home for Everyone - Crisis | (336) 246-5430 |
A Safe Home for Everyone - Office | (336) 982-8851 |
Daymark Recovery Services | (336) 246-4542 |
Nat. Domestic Violence Hotline | 1-800-799-7233 |
NCC for Women & Youth Domestic | (984) 236-0330 |
Suicide Prevention Lifeline | 1-800-273-8255 |
24-Hour Crisis Hotline | 1-866-275-9552 |