Request Off-Duty Officer

Off Duty Agreement
*Please read this entire page fully; changes were made on 5/9/2024*
The Ashe County Sheriff’s Office (ACSO) allows employees who are commissioned Law Enforcement Officers to work in a Secondary Employment Off-Duty capacity in accordance with Sheriff’s Office policies, state and local laws. Peace Officers engage in Off-Duty Employment as an independent contractor(s).
An ACSO Deputy’s primary responsibility while working in an Off-Duty status, in uniform or in plain clothes, is the enforcement of federal and state laws and county ordinances; to protect life and property and to keep the peace. Deputies engaged in a secondary employment job will not refuse to assist any citizen requesting or needing assistance and can be called away from any secondary employment job if an emergency arises.
ACSO has the right to refuse any request to hire our deputies. All requests are subject to approval. Local background checks are done on individuals requesting to hire deputies for private functions. Because our primary responsibility is to the citizens of Ashe County, we cannot guarantee we will be able to fulfill your request.
Any individual, organization or business submitting an application to hire our deputies is considered a Contractor for the duration of the employment.
Fees: $40/hour with a 4-hour minimum. The suggestion is to pay the individual with a check before the conclusion of your event.
Liability Agreement
The Off Duty Law Enforcement Officer Liability Agreement is a contract between our office and you for the exchange of our services.
Click here to view the Liability Agreement
Application Submission
It is best to submit your application to hire officers as soon as you start planning your event. We would love to receive your notice prior to 30 days but we also understand that events happen and you assistance quickly. As long as the number of officers requested are less than 4, we can typically accommodate your needs with a weeks notice.
Form Submission & Liability Agreement
By submitting the form above to the Ashe County Sheriff’s Office, you are agreeing that you have read the above Off-Duty Assignment Agreement & the Liability Agreement that are both on this page.
Form Submission & Liability Agreement
By submitting the form above to the Ashe County Sheriff’s Office, you are agreeing that you have read the above Off-Duty Assignment Agreement & the Liability Agreement that are both on this page.