Community Programs & Outreach

One of the things people love about Ashe County is the sense of community here. We feel it is our responsibility at the Ashe County Sheriff’s Office to not only keep this community safe, but to really be a key part of the community we serve. To that end, we take an active part in helping where we can, taking advantage of educational opportunities, and just generally being accessible to our citizens in whatever is happening in the community.
If you have an event coming up at your church, school or club, shoot us an email or give us a call. Our deputies love being invited to be part of the good times in Ashe County… especially if there are snacks.
Deputy for a Day
Our Deputy for a Day event is an annual program where we bring children from the community to learn all of the facets of our duties here at the Ashe County Sheriff’s Office.
Children get to don uniforms, communicate on police radios, operate patrol car equipment, investigate minor crime scenarios, and much more. Our patrol deputies, detention officers, telecommunicators and detectives get a chance to share their knowledge with children from our own community and a fun time is had by all before we send the kids home loaded up on sugar and covered in fingerprint ink. Parents, you’re welcome.
Christmas with Cops
Our annual Christmas with Cops event is a joint project with Walmart and all of the other law enforcement agencies that operate in Ashe County. Deputies, police officers, probation officers, park rangers, troopers and special agents come together to do some holiday shopping with and for a group of well-deserving students in the community.
Participating students are identified and chosen by officials at each public school in Ashe County.
Operation Medicine Drop
Operation Medicine Drop– In an effort to prevent both prescription and over-the-counter drugs from falling into the wrong hands the Ashe County Sheriff’s Office proudly participates in Operation Medicine Drop.