-March 11th, 2020-
Our 911 Dispatch Center dispatches on three main channels: Law Enforcement, EMS and Fire. This week the Fire channel has been, well, ‘on fire’. In the last week we have seen numerous brush fires as well as vehicle and structure fires that have kept our local firefighters busier than any time in recent memory. Sheriff Howell asked everyone to please be cautious and use safety measures when preparing your controlled burn while following local and state guidelines.
While they are appreciated all year, the work being done by our hardworking and selfless firefighters here in Ashe this week has truly been remarkable. This includes every single Ashe County fire department as well as the NC Forestry Service and even some fire departments in neighboring areas. Every time they’re dispatched our firefighters are putting themselves into harm’s way for our community and we owe them a sincere Thank You.
One of the best ways to thank our firefighters is by ensuring that we are using due care and extreme caution in any activity that could lead to a fire. While we are not currently in a burn ban, let’s all take a little extra caution to give the men and women in our fire services the break and the thanks that they’ve earned this week.
For more information regarding open burning and guidelines, please visit the NC Environmental Quality website at https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/air-quality/air-quality-compliance/open-burning.